Sunday, December 12, 2010

I love writing books! :D

This is what i got so far! :) comment and tell me if I should keep writing :)

I can’t breathe.
       Chelsea, my older sister, laughs as she crushes my ribs slowly with her foot. I gasp for air, finding none as I fall into my forever sleep.
      This is heaven? It couldn’t be. I am in too much pain for this to be heaven. It feels like years that I sit alone in the darkness of my mind. I try to wake up but my eyelids are too heavy, I try to scream, I hear nothing escape my lips. I try to numb the pain, the pain only comes stronger.
      Minutes later my eyes find the strength to open. Above me is the light of sun. I sit up feeling cured of the wounds given to me last night. Energy runs through my veins as if it were locked up for years and finally let out. I got up quickly. 
I walk into the forest in the back of the park, curiosity overtakes. Soon jade green surrounds me as I walk through the forest. My senses are more acute now. I see the detail of a sharp blue flower with a silver lining, and everything else. Hunger filled my body in an aching sort of way. Suddenly a scent hits me, my mouth waters as my limbs move towards the breath taking scent in a fast sprint. My legs move in long swift movements.

this is the title page:

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